Singing Guide: Mr Smooth

Singing Guide: Mr Smooth

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn to Sing Like Mr. Smooth?

If you're here, chances are good you wish to learn how to sing like Mr. Smooth. With his deep and soulful voice, he blends the technique of great contemporary pop singers with the emotion of great soul singers. Singing like him requires a strong command of several elements, including proper breathing, good warmup, consistent practice, and healthy habits.

Vocal Technique

Mr. Smooth's signature vocal technique is twang, which emphasizes the brightness and nasality of the tone. He uses this technique in most of his songs, but particularly in those with an upbeat tempo. On slower ballads, he transitions to a more conversational singing style, which requires a more intimate and emotional approach.

To incorporate Mr. Smooth's unique vocal technique, you'll need to learn the twang articulation. Watch How to Twang Exercise to better understand how this works. Incorporate nasal singing to add energy and a unique edge to your sound.

Songs to Showcase Mr. Smooth's Technique

Mr. Smooth is best known for his 2005 hit “Crocodile Shoes” but has a wide array of songs that showcase his vocal style. His soulful, emotive vocals shine in ballads such as “Walk Away,” while his energetic, upbeat style is on display in songs such as “Crocodile Shoes” and “Ain't No Doubt”.

To truly sound like Mr. Smooth, it is important to delve deep into the emotions of each song. Sing with passion and let the feeling reach the listener.

Practical Advice

To improve your singing abilities, it is important to maintain a daily practice routine. Use the Vocal range test to determine your range and work on expanding it by incorporating exercises from Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game. Also, use the Pitch accuracy test to assess and improve your pitch accuracy.

Good breathing is essential to singing well. Check out Breathing basics and Breath support to ensure you're using your diaphragm correctly. Watching your posture improves alignment, which directly affects your breath's efficiency. Therefore, your practice should include watching Good Singing Posture.

Finally, take care of your voice with proper vocal care. Find advice at Vocal health and avoid damaging habits such as smoking and dehydration, which can impact your vocal health.

Follow these tips and use all the relevant tools available at Singing Carrots. Incorporate your unique voice and style to emulate Mr. Smooth's beautiful sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.